Therapeutic Support for School Staff

Snowford Grange offer training programmes for teaching assistants, teachers and other pastoral staff on how to deal empathically and effectively with distressed or disruptive children. We offer courses that address your professional development needs regarding social and emotional health.

We can provide general counselling, and targeted therapeutic support/supervision for staff members, training workshops and supervision for staff members as part of their school-based provision.

Counselling sessions focus on the needs raised by the individuals; they may be personal in nature or job-related (e.g. stress).

To discuss integrating these options into a school-based service tailored specifically for your school, please contact us.

All staff are also able to access counselling sessions if they feel the need. Often this can be due to stresses in life and the ever present work-life balance we all feel in school. Staff have found these sessions ‘massive’. It has had an unbelievable impact.
— Deputy Head Teacher, Lillington Primary School